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Welcome to Goal Map

What is Goal Map?

Goal Map is a systematic personal goal management tool. Goal Map manages the whole process of the complete life cycle of goals: making, breaking down, executing and reviewing goals. It helps users to focus on their goals and achieve their visions more easily in the modern world of chores.

The birth story

Many people do not have the concept of goal management, and the absence of goals often leads to anxiety. Or some people have a goal in mind, but don't record it, and that goal ends up being modified numerous times in their minds or even forgotten outright. Another small percentage of people record a goal and break it down into a plan, but do not consistently execute it, not because they are lazy, but because forming a perfect plan often leads to early satisfaction, and in the subsequent execution is either daunting. In fact, the perfect plan is not the most important thing, the important thing is to record and "set goals, and continue to implement" Unlike enterprise goal management tools, which measure goals with precise quantification and weighting, goal maps are more concerned with stress-free and continuous execution, and we believe in the compounding effect of small daily changes. The goal map is designed around the theory and practice of the six stages of personal goal management. If you are interested in the theory behind the goal map design, you can read this article: 6 Steps of goal management.

What can Goal Map do?

Goal Map is a systematic personal goal management tool that contains a variety of modules involved in goal management. Some of you will use Goal Map to manage projects, some of you will use Goal Map to manage course work, some of you will use Goal Map to record time, some of you will use Goal Map to manage your schedule, and some of you will use Goal Map to develop habits. We welcome all ways of using it. There is no definite and unique way of goal management itself, and the way of using it varies from person to person. We only provide some references of usage scenarios.

  • I am a student: I use goal maps to manage my progress in different subjects, I create a goal for each subject; also I like to write, I create a goal to write a middle grade novel, and the goal map monitors me to complete at least 3 writing sessions every week.
  • I am an office worker: I use the goal map to manage my health habits. Since I am busy at work and often forget to eat healthy and exercise, I created a goal for myself to develop good eating habits and a weight loss goal, and I monitor myself to eat at least one kind of fruit every day and reach 45 minutes of sweat exercise 4 times a week.
  • I freelance: I use a goal map to record my inspiration and manage my short and medium term projects. I often think of something I can do and I will record it as a goal and leave it for subsequent refinement. Ninety-five percent of my inspirations are abandoned, but the ones that remain I turn into an actionable goal and break down the task to follow through.
  • I'm a mom-to-be: I use a goal map to manage my pregnancy stuff and life chores. There are so many cyclical things to remember during pregnancy and I put them into my goal map, which takes a lot of the burden off me. I also put my chores into the goal map, which doesn't quite fit the criteria of a "goal," but I can see at a glance what I need to do today, which helps me manage my life. No matter where you start, if you do it right away and use it consistently, you will be rewarded. If you don't know where to start, we recommend reading: 6 Steps of goal management.

In order to make you better understand personal goal management and use goal maps, we are collecting examples of goal maps in practice. If you have methods and stories you would like to share, please feel free to contact us at